Schmuck Bait!!!!!111

I remember when I first started receiving all those text messages. It was a Friday night and I was watching fantasy and science fiction programs on the hyper-realistic boob tube. I could hear my hyper-realistic phone vibrating, so I picked it up so see if one of my hyper-realistic friends was texting me. I opened the message. It was from an unknown sender, and all it said was: “Hello.” I decided to board up all of the hyper-realistic doors and windows, because the guy was obviously a creeper. Then I got another message. This time, it said. “Guess who.” I decided to crawl into my hyper-realistic bed and hide under the blankets, because the dude obviously had malicious intent, texting me just to say “hi” and all. For the rest of the night, I didn’t sleep or watch any TV. I just sat in my bedroom, anticipating another message from the sender. Whoever it was, he totally ruined my night by texting me, WHICH IS THE WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 Suddenly, my phone vibrated. The message read: “I know where you live.” I didn’t sleep at all that night. The guy that texted me must have been serious. Who would troll me with such a cliché line about something like that?

Next Night!!!!!1111

The next night, I locked and bolted all the doors and windows again. Then I turned all the lights on in the hopes that I could fool the sender into believing that I wasn’t the only one in the house, even though it’s the oldest trick in the book. My phone vibrated. I opened the message. “I’m coming to get you,” it read. I then closed the hyper-realistic curtains to make sure that nobody could see into my house, even though, I was trying to trick the sender into thinking I wasn’t home alone or anything, which I was. I retreated into the basement and waited for my phone to vibrate. It did. I opened the message. “I can see you,” it read. Then, my phone was vibrating every hour. I looked at the messages. “I’m on your front lawn,” the first one read. I didn’t dare to look outside, even though there was a chance that the sender was messing with me. My phone went off again. “Come and see,” the message read. I decided to fall for the schmuck bait and look. There was nothing out there, which led me to this conclusion: THE SENDER WAS INVISIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An hour later, my phone went off for the gazillionth time. I checked the message. “I’m coming in,” the message read. I felt like I was gonna puke ad stuff, I was so scared.


I decided that it was time that I took matters into my own hands and search the house for whoever was stalking me, even though there was a possibility that the sender was not invisible, and just wasn’t there. I grabbed the hyper-realistic fireplace poker to defend myself and headed up the hyper-realistic stairs. I looked in the kitchen. No one there. I looked in the living room. No one there. I looked in the bathroom. Nobody. I looked in my bedroom. Nobody. Finally, I checked the back room. Nobody. My phone vibrated. I checked the message. “Give up yet?” the message said. “Yep,” I answered. “Check the closet,” another message said. I thought about calling the police about the texts, but then I decided to just fall for the schmuck bait again and go to the closet, because it’s usually a good idea to check and see if there’s a creeper in your closet, even thought he could have a gun or a knife or something. I opened the door, AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT!!!!!!!!!!11111 Then I saw who threw the skeleton. It was………………..some guy I never saw before!!!!!!!!!!11111111 I hit him with the fireplace poker. Blood started to gush out and then he started running around in circles and then he died. It made such a mess. Then I died for no good reason.
BASED ON A TRUE STORY!!!!!!!!!!11111111